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​​P.O. Box 880  • Hayfork, CA 96041  •  (530) 628-5223  • Email:

 African Baskets now available for Sale

in the Fair Office

 Thank you to all our Sponsors & Donors, I   would like to let you know we are changing   our policy and all information sent regarding   sponsorships and/or donations will no   longer be labeled an invoice, they will be a   'Request for Payment'. They will be sent after contacting each Sponsor and/or Donor to   confirm the sponsorship and/or donation. If   we do not hear back regarding your   donation, we will still mail the Request for   Payment to give the opportunity to confirm   sponsorship and/or donation. Again thank   you to our community for always supporting   "Your" Trinity County Fair!




​​​​​​ Support the Trinity County Fairgrounds by becoming a member of the Trinity County Fair Association, a non-profit organization. We welcome both individual and business memberships for only $25 a year per person, $100 per Business. Membership entitles you to free admission to the Fair and voting privileges. Monthly Board Meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month at 6:30pm at the Trinity County Fairgrounds Boardroom

(unless otherwise posted.)

 Advertise With Us

  • Advertise in the Exhibitor's Premium Handbook. 

 Community Involvement

  • Volunteer! Volunteers make community events held at the fairgrounds possible and are needed for each event.
  • Support and attend annual fundraisers and the Fair itself.
  • Participate by entering exhibits in the Fair.
  • Give a tax-deductible donation directly to the Trinity County Fair Association, which is a qualifying non-profit 501c3.
  • Write to your State Representatives asking them to provide additional state fairs monies to support our local fair.

​​ Sponsorships

  • Rent vendor space to display and sell merchandise at the Fair.
  • Sponsor exhibitor awards: a $50 donation will sponsor a single division ($25 for 1st place, $15 for 2nd place and $10 for 3rd place.) The sponsor’s name is listed in the Exhibitor's Premium Handbook.
  • Sponsor exhibitor awards such as "Best of Division" which usually awards $25, $15 and $10 for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places.
  • Sponsor a project! Whether a small-scale flower bed or a building renovation, endless sponsorship possibilities are available.